Schöne Designs, leistungsstarke Funktionen und die Freiheit, alles zu erstellen, was du willst. WordPress ist kostenlos und gleichzeitig unbezahlbar.

Mit dem Vertrauen der Besten
34% of the web uses WordPress, from hobby blogs to the biggest news sites online.
Beeindruckende Funktionen
Endlose Möglichkeiten. Was wirst du erstellen?
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mobile Websites -
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Von unterwegs
verwaltbar -
Sicherheit -
Medienverwaltung -
Einfach und
Extend WordPress with over 54'000 plugins to help your website meet your needs. Add an online store, galleries, mailing lists, forums, analytics, and much more.
Hundreds of thousands of developers, content creators, and site owners gather at monthly meetups in 436 cities worldwide.
Find a local WordPress communityErste Schritte mit WordPress
Mehr als 60 Millionen Menschen haben sich für WordPress entschieden, um den Ort im Web, den sie „Home“ nennen, zu betreiben – Komm zur Familie.
Neues von unserem Blog
WordCamp Zurich 2019
We’re delighted to announce that the next Swiss WordPress Conference will be held on Saturday, 14th September at Technopark! After visiting several other cities like Bern, Geneva and Lausanne, the event is returning to Zurich for the first time since 2015. Here in Switzerland, regular WordCamps and Meetups bring people together from all over: not just the French-, Italian- and […]
Und so einfach geht's …
- Find a trusted web host and maybe support WordPress at the same time.
- Download & install WordPress with our famous 5-minute installation. Publishing has never been easier.
- Spend some time reading our documentation, get to know WordPress better every day and start helping others, too.