いよいよ明日7月17日に迫った「VShojo Japan」のkson(ケイソン)さんと飴宮(あめみや)なずなさんのデビュー配信。
7月17日(日) 10:00〜 https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo
7月17日(日)12:00〜 https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou
7月17日(日)13:00〜 https://www.twitch.tv/amemiyanazuna
その前に、ぜひ押さえておいて欲しいのがVShojo自体のメンバーについてだ。英語圏で熱狂的なファンを抱えているというのは、先日のAnime Expo会場のレポートでも伝わったはず(下記リンク参照)。今回、一部メンバーにメールでインタビューする機会を得たので、バックグラウンドや人となりをお伝えしていこう。
・【速報】米国発のVTuberグループ・VShojoが日本に本格参入 ksonと新人・飴宮なずなの2人がグループ加入
・kson&飴宮なずなのJapan発足だけじゃない! 新要素てんこ盛りなVShojoブースをレポート【AX 2022】
・「VShojoはみんな個人勢」 ksonさんが語る、エージェンシーというVTuberの新しいサポート形態
世紀末的な未来から世界滅亡を防ぐためにタイムスリップしてきたサイボーグ。 強気な性格で良く周囲の人に怒鳴り散らす事があるが、新しい出会いを大切にしている! 21世紀の文化に慣れ、ミームやイタズラを楽しんでいる。
Zentreya 私は2019年にVTuberになったんだ。3Dモデルを使って色々なゲームを遊んで、新しい世界への扉を開けたかった。そして実際に開けたんだ! 色々なゲームを遊んだし、もしかしたら遊びすぎたのかもしれない。クリアーせずに積んでしまったゲームは数知れず(みんな、本当にごめん、私の悪い癖なんだ!!)でも、とてもいい気分なんだ。
Zentreya 私が始めたころよりVTuber文化は凄い盛り上がりを見せてる。知らない人には信じられないかもだけど、当時は2DのVTuberより3DのVTuberが主流だったんだ。近年ではホロライブやにじさんじ、数多くの個人VTuberのおかげで(VShojoもね!)2Dモデルのクォリティの高さが凄く向上されて行って、今じゃ3Dと見間違うぐらいのクォリティーの2Dモデルもあるぐらいなんだ。
数々のVTuber事務所や会社が個人VTuberのインスピレーションとなって、彼らのクリエイティビティの底上げしたと思う。毎月、何かに驚かされるもの! 私が始めたときは(すごい年寄り臭いよねw)みんな3Dモデルを使ってたの。今も3Dモデルを使ってる人はいるけど、2Dの方が表情豊かだと思う(私が言うのも変よね、私の場合は3Dの方が表情豊かって皆に言われるから!)。
VTuberを始めるのってすごく色々やらなきゃいけないって思ってプレッシャーを感じてしまう人もいるかもしれない。でも、実際はちょっとずつ始めればいいんだ。無料で3Dモデルを作るアプリもあるし! とりあえず気に入るかやってみるといいと思う! もしかしたらすごくハマるかもよ!
Zentreya 私の素性を完全に隠すことができて、誰かから声をかけられることも心配せずにリラックスできることかな! 私はこれ(VTuber)の外では完全別な生活があるんだ。私と私のワンちゃんたちは平和な日々を過ごしてるよ! たまにコンテンツクリエイターのファンがそのクリエイターに会うためにとんでもないことをするということがあって、それが怖いんだ。なので、コンテンツクリエイターとしての活動と、完全なプライベートを両立できるのはとても恵まれてると思う。
もうひとつは前の質問の答えでも言ったんだけど、VTuberってとてもクリエイティビティーが問われるんだ。だから毎回自分の姿をアップデートする度に新しいアイデアや前の自分より良い姿をつくるモチベーションが上がる。本当に最高さ! 冗談でヤモリの姿を作ったら、まさか定着するなんて思わなかったし!!
Zentreya 音楽や3Dでのお笑いコントをやりたいと思ってる! 毎日練習してるAlesisのStriker Pro kitを使って実際に配信中にドラムを叩いたりしてる(配信の為にカスタムハットを追加したんだ!)。でも言っておくけど、私はプロのドラマーというよりは、まだ初心者レベル。忙しくてなかなかがっつり練習できないのが残念。でも音楽は大好きで、音楽がない世の中なんて想像できない! いつかステージの上で何千人の前でパフォーマンスができればなって思う……。それが私の夢なんだ。
Zentreya あー、その質問ね、ハハハハハハ! いつもみんな私のチョイスに驚くんだよね。私はメタル、ヘヴィーメタル、デスメタル、ロック、パンクとかの曲を聞くんだけど、アニメとなると日常系、ラブコメ、メカ、そしてたまにワンパンマンとかの少年系を見るの! メタルやハードコアなライフスタイルを中和させるためにたまに日常系やラブコメアニメを見なきゃいけないと思うんだ。時間があるときはJRPGを遊ぶんだ!
Zentreya メカアニメってめっちゃ格好いいよね。例えば、誰かに「メカアニメをひとつ言って」って聞くと最初に頭に浮かぶのはなんだと思う? そう、ガンダム。テーマ、武器、そして象徴的なザクのピンクのモノアイ。ガンダムに登場するザクII、グフ、シナンジュ(そうだね、だいたいジオンサイドのMSだね、いいじゃん、格好いいんだから!)が大好きなの。
──尊敬しているVTuberは? それはなぜ?
Zentreya この質問は私がApex Legendで勝利した数くらい質問されてきて、毎回同じ答えを言ってるの。それはIronmouse(アイアンマウス)。でも他に強いて言えば何もない所から頑張ってきた個人VTuberのみんなも尊敬している。最初は見てる人がいるかどうか分からない中コンテンツを延々と作っていくのはすごいんだ。「いつか私も大きくなるんだ」って夢を見ながら、好きなことをやるその姿勢は尊敬に値すると思う。私がそうだったから。
Zentreya この答えはいつもコロコロ変わるんだけど、2017〜2019年に始めた、いわゆる元祖のVTuberたちとコラボしたいな。ミライアカリさんとコラボできたらいいな。VTuber界のパイオニアたちがいなければ今の私達がいないから、その人達とコラボできたら光栄だなって思う。
Zentreya 私はメカが大好きで、それでなにか違うことがしたかったんだ。今までとは全然違う。だからメカと人間をイメージした、サイボーグ/アンドロイド方面に舵を切ったんだ。Echanis_enicha、Yuniiho、Iron_Vertexの皆のおかげで色々な機能が付いたこの新しい自分をつくれた。前のパンクロックな感じ雰囲気を残しつつ私が好きなものになりたいなって思ったの、サイバーパンクみたいな! 常識にとらわれず、色んなVTuber達がいる中で、あまり注目されていないような路線をやりたかったんだ。
Zentreya 実は私はヒスパニック系で、自分の声が聞きなれてアクセントがあるのかとか自分では分からないんだけど、私はめちゃくちゃ速くしゃべるんだ。速すぎてたまに嚙んだりするんだけど、そのせいでSTTSが全然私の英語を認識しなくて、とても面白い誤爆が生まれたりする! それをあえて取り入れて、流れに乗る事を学んだね。
Can you recall when you first as a VTuber, and tell us how you felt?
Zentreya: I became a Vtuber back in the beginning of 2019. I started using a 3D model to play a variety of games and to open up a larger world for me. Which it DID! I was able play many different games. Maybe too many. I have many unfinished games.. ( I am so sorry to everyone, its a habit of mine!! ) But it has been an amazing feeling. And as Vtubing progressed and evolved, I pushed forward with the times to keep up and adapt to what I do today. It has been such an amazing feeling, like, real creative freedom. Some Content Creators are stuck on the games they play because if they were to change, it would have a detrimental impact on their content. I got out as soon as I saw an opening and have been having a BLAST.
What has changes since then?
Zentreya: The Vtuber scene has exploded since I started. Believe it or not, 3D was more frequent then 2D was back then. 2D has really seen an explosion of late though with companys like Hololive, Nijisanji, and indies as well ( And yes, VSHOJO! ) really pushing the boundaries for 2D models and some look like they are 3D. Vtuber Companies have definitely inspired many indies to rise up and push boundaries of creativity. Every month there is something crazy! When I started ( THIS IS MAKING ME SOUND LIKE A BOOMER LOL ) , 3D was definitely used more than it is today. Not saying people don’t use 3D, it’s just more expressive using 2D( Ironic for me since I am known to be more expressive with 3D! ). To some it can definitely seem….OVERWHELMING. Start somewhere. Start small. There are free programs that allow you to make your own 3D model! See if you would like it! You’ll never know if you don’t try!
Was there something you were able to acomplish because you were a VTuber? (Instead of IRL Content Creator)
Zentreya: Definitely protecting my identity and knowing I can go out and relax and just be..me! I have a completely separate life from all this. Which I like it that way. Me and my dogs living a comfy life! You see how some people will go to great lengths to see their favorite Content Creators is scary. So knowing I have peace of mind and am able to provide content is such a blessing. I think another thing I was able to achieve is just as stated before. creativity reigns in this line of work. You keep pushing and upping the envelope of designs and ideas with each update. It is so cool!
What kind of genre of content would you like to tackle in the future?
Zentreya: Oh definitely music or comedy skits in 3D! I actually play the drums in real time for the stream with my Alesis Striker Pro kit ( I even added custom hats for it! ) which I practice everyday. I am not the best, still very beginner because its hard to invest cause I am very busy most of the day! But I love music so much. Can’t go a day without it! Hope to one day play in front of 1000’s of people on stage… that would be a dream.
Please tell us what kind of Anime, Manga, or Game do you like from Japan?
Zentreya: OH. OH AHAHA! I think people are always taken off guard by my tastes. My music taste is always like metal, heavy, death, rock, punk, etc but like, when it comes to anime, I love Slice of Lifes, RomComs, Mecha, and on occasion I will watch Shonen, like Onepunch Man was great! Think the romcom and slice of life stuff is cute and sometimes you gotta watch cute stuff to balance the metal and hardcore lifestyle! I love playing JRPG’s when I can! I think my favorite series that I play religiously is DISGAEA! I recently have been playing Disgaea 6 alot. The characters and endless grinding and over the top moves bring me LIFE.
Out of the answers you gave us from the previous question, please tell us in detail about a specific title about why you like it.
Zentreya: Mecha anime IS SO COOL. Like, take for instance the one thing that pops up in everyones minds when you talk about Mecha Anime. GUNDAM. Synonymous with the style and weapons and the iconic Zaku’s and the pink mono eye. I have always love the look of the Zaku II, GOUF, Sinanju (these are all from the Zeon side of GUNDAM, I KNOW I AM GEEKING OUT. ) But it also kinda like, begs to bring up the question of the future. WILL WE GET OUR GIANT MECHA’S AND CAN I BE A PILOT PLEASE? ( Promise I won’t trigger an intergalactic war! ) I just love mecha anime a lot cause its just cool. SO COOL. Like giant robots fighting giant robots in space or on land… DOES THAT NOT SOUND COOL???
Which VTuber do you respect the most, and why?
Zentreya: I think I’ve been asked this and given the same answer about as many times as I have gotten wins in Apex Legends.. And the answer will never change haha. IronMouse. But man I also gotta say, I respect the indie Vtubers who have started from the bottom. Worked day in and day out creating content for small audiences if any at all. The drive to keep pushing forward and to want that goal of hitting the big time one day and still having fun. I was there. That was me. I know what its like. To work a full time job AND balance out Vtubing or content. The passion and the fortitude to keep pushing and working on content like that is hard. I have seen Vtubers who started years ago still try and push out that work and content. If you love what you do and you want it, you gotta work for it. You gotta put in that work and energy and the time. It may not work out. It just might. Who knows. You gotta keep pushing though. But never forget to take care of yourself and those around you as well.
Which VTuber do you want to collab with?
Zentreya: I think this is something that has changed but like, I would love to collab with one of the starting Vtubers of 2017-2019. Mirai Akari would be so cool haha. Like, these were the big indie corp ones that everyone watched back then. Any of them to be honest. They helped really blow up the scene along with Holo and Niji.
So you were reborn to a robot from a dragon recently, could we ask what was the thinking process behind the big change?
Zentreya: I love Mecha. And I wanted to do something different. I wanted to really do something different. So I wanted to combine mecha/human and go the route of Cyborg/Android. And well, thanks to Echanis_enicha , Yuniiho , and Iron_Vertex , we were able to push the envelope and got this entirely new look with amazing features and everything. I wanted to become what I love while still incorporating the punk rock look at the same time, kinda Cyberpunk if you will! I wanted to break out of the norm and wanted to do a route that doesn’t seem to get enough attention on the Vtuber characteristic side of the community. And I wanted it to really CLASH with the Speech-To-Text-To-Speech and make it all come together. And its so awesome!
So you’re one of the only one who uses Text-To-Speach (translator) in VShojo, could you explain the difficulties that comes with it?
Zentreya: So like, I am part Hispanic, so I don’t know if I have an accent or not since you kinda get used to hearing yourself your entire life, and top that off with talking too fast, like , I talk very fast at times and trip over my words, and the STTS can’t really understand at times and causes very out of contexts moments! I have incorporated that and kinda learned to go with the flow! Of course, people can’t really hear me laugh, but, they can see me laughing through expressions or through body language which I think its so amazing. It is amazing what people can see through body language alone, especially when I use 3D. But with difficulties comes new opportunities for others to see, and do. To do their own thing and feel confident in knowing sometimes you can do amazing things even with limitations on yourself. You can do it if you work for it and you push yourself and drive yourself.